Scriptname | README |
---|---| | newsyslog is a highly configurable script for maintaining and archiving sets of log files. It archives log files based on size, date or interval, and can optionally compress log files with gzip or bzip2. | | | | Prints advanced statistics on disk space usage. Useful for users/administrators not satisfied with traditional UNIX utilities such as du or ls. More info is available by executing -h or -m, displaying a help and a manual page respectively. | | 1. INTRODUCTION spf-milter is a Milter, which works with Sendmail 8.12 and up, and provides an SPF-compliant extension to the SMTP communication between your MTA and connecting clients. See for details about SPF itself. spf-milter is written entirely in Perl, and uses the native threaded Milter model. spf-milter is licensed under GPL. 2. PREREQUISITES spf-milter requires: 1): Perl 5.8.x, or higher. 2): P... |
zsu-1.18 | zsu updates serial numbers in DNS zone files. |
zsu-1.20 | zsu updates serial numbers in DNS zone files. | | |
shroud-1.0 | 'shroud' is a script that will transform perl code into virtually unreadable text, while retaining the full functionality of that code. It is used to shroud the source code of commercial perl programs. More information is available from the POD documentation within the script and from this URL: |
hex-0.1 | Displays a hex dump of the named file or stdin if no file is specified. It's simple, not very clever and written in Ye olde-fashionde perle(tm). No apologies. | | This program is a full implementation of rfc 1725, with an adjustment made to unsplit header lines so that Netscape Communicator will not drop the connection when it gets a message-id that is too long. All configuration is done within the code, which means that it is open to being tied to the database(s) of your choice. | | timeout executes a command and imposes an elapsed time limit. When the time limit is reached, timeout sends a predefined signal to the target process. | | This script watches the system log file for dictionary sshd attacks and automaticaly block the attacker ip after specified number of attempts |
activitymail-1.25 | This program may be used for sending email messages for CVS repository activity. Messages can be sent for every repository change, or for every commit. In the latter case, a list of all the files affected may be assembled and listed or attached to the single message. |
activitymail-1.26 | This program may be used for sending email messages for CVS repository activity. Messages can be sent for every repository change, or for every commit. In the latter case, a list of all the files affected may be assembled and listed or attached to the single message. |
distinct-0.1 | Prints to STDOUT a sorted list of items followed by a comma then followed by the number of instances of that item. In fairness it is only a wrapped implementation of a counter using a simple hash. Take this file C<example.txt> as an example: | | A full documentation is available at |
ren-regexp-1.5 | |
mks2cvs-1.1 | Converts a MKS based source repository to a CVS based respository and converts MKS's notion of "versioning" (of each Project [.pj]) to obvious matching tags containing the same version numbers. Contains some self-extracting helper shell-scripts. | | With this script you can check if a text file is of a specific type and convert it to a different type. Special feature is the ability of fixing files that were broken by wrong ftp upload and download mode (ascii/bin). Supported file types are dos, mac, unix and broken. It also runs under DOS. | | With this script you can check if a text file is of a specific type and convert it to a different type. Special feature is the ability of fixing files that were broken by wrong ftp upload and download mode (ascii/bin). Supported file types are dos, mac, unix and broken. It also runs under DOS. (unix2dos dos2unix fixeol newline linebreak) | | DnsPixie will update one or more designated DNS records at a number of popular dynamic DNS services either once or periodically. | | Remote-printer job-retrieval program; retrieves and prints print-data files uploaded by the program. | | Remote-printer send program, intended to capture appsocket (port 9100) print streams and upload them to a server from which they can subsequently be downloaded for printing. | | A simple tool for comparing the response times of designated DNS servers. | | filemail breaks an input stream into parts, then encodes each part and emails it to designated recipients. | | A perl implentation of the Linux 'nslookup' utility, suitable for use in non-interactive mode on FreeBSD and other operating systems. | | A perl implementation of the watch command found on many Linux systems. | | | | | | A daemon to detect spammers trying to harvest email addresses by username guessing and temporarily DROP them with iptables firewall rules. |
sudoscriptd | sudoscriptd creates a named pipe (FIFO) in a spool area, and hangs around waiting for someone to write to it. When output is received, it is timestamped and placed in a log file in /var/log. The size of the data received is monitored. When the size of the log plus the size of the data exceed 2MB, the log is rotated and gzipped in a subprocess. At most 10 logs are kept hanging around. Multiple processes can write to the fifo at t... |
sudoshell | Sudo is a tool used for running programs with root privilege. Its major benefit is the audit trail it provides, as it logs each invocation with the command name, its arguments and the user who ran it. Because this audit trail is lost if a user runs a shell (e.g. bash or csh) with sudo, many sites restrict sudo to not allow such usage. Since this can cause problems, (see L<SUDO AND SHELLS>) many users prefer to retain the root pas... |
parents | |
waitcond-0.32 | Test or wait for an event using boolean expressions on top of a language of tests like grepping in ps-output and logs, pinging hosts or waiting for events like 'not-recently-changed' or 'network interface N is idle'. |
mkpw-1.0 | Produce some simple passwords, suitable for use on low-value web sites. These passwords are not cryptographically secure, so do not use them on high security sites (use a fips-181 password generator, instead). |
mkpw-1.1 | Produce some simple passwords, suitable for use on low-value web sites. These passwords are not cryptographically secure, so do not use them on high security sites (use a fips-181 password generator, instead). | | A Perl replacement for install(1). | | | | | | |
cxfsdump-0.4 | This script is intended for dumping CXFS filesystems using a jukebox (tape robot) It does all the job of loading tapes with the stacker (the robotics control program), relocating the metadataserver for the CXFS filesytems, launching the xfsdump utility, rewinding and ejecting tape and unloading it with the stacker again. If a xfsdump needs more than 1 tape, it is able to change the tape and span the dump to the next tape. The scri... |
backup-reporter-1.03 | This is a general script for many types of backup jobs. You can use it to configure different types of backups, which can run together or independently of each other. It also formats a nice report for each backup job. |
countmail-1.01 | This script scans the current mail log and several recent mail log archives, and searches for messages sent to or from a particular address. It counts them up and mails a report with an inbound count and an outbound count. | | - goes through Network Appliance snapshots, and resets permissions on specified files within a directory | | - goes through Network Appliance snapshots, and resets permissions on files within specified directories | | PIXcmpcfg - compares two config files, and reports what has been added and removed. Originally written to be used with a Cisco PIX. Could be used with any devices two config files. | | PIXcmpcfg - compares two config files, and reports what has been added and removed. Originally written to be used with a Cisco PIX. Could be used with any devices two config files. | | - searchs through aliases on a qmail server, in the same order as the qmail services, and reports the first working alias or delivery box. |
bcrond-0.82.par | This is a par <> archive. You may extract it by running it through perl as perl bcrond-0.82.par or with unpar (at the same URI). This archive contains a perl clone of Vixie cron, with several enhancements. It should be cross-platform compatible, and is known to work under Windows 9x, Linux, and SunOS/Solaris. | | desift is a data-driven, temlate-oriented text filter. It occupies a niche somewhere between spartan shell utilities such as 'cut' and full-featured template engines. |
rsc | rsc executes a (Perl!-)Script on another host. Neither this target script, nor rsc or parts of it, nor input or output files have to be located on the target machine. There's no need to prepare the target system in any special way. No special deamon has to run there, only perl 5.005 or higher with a few modules installed and an rsh deamon are required. Additionally, this remote perl installation needs installations of t... |
rpmquery-19991213 | This script can be used to query information not supplied by the rpm tool. |
alcatel_readserial-0.2 | Reads data on the searial port that has been provided by an Alcatel OmniPCX phone system. The data is then processed and re-written into a csv file for later processing. |
LatexReferenceCheck-0.2 | |
remote-ssh-access-1.7 | This small script creates and uses shortcuts for launching SSH sessions. It's a useful tool when you have a lot of systems to manage. This program is meant to be executed through a symlink to a hard link. The hard link file is called a C<parameter file>; the symlink is referred to as the C<shortcut>. If you wish, the hard link may also serve as the shortcut, obviating the step of creating a symlink. The C<parameter file> is cre... |
ped-1.2 | Ped is a sed-like filter using perl regex (when no filenames are given), and an edit-in-place (like perl -i) that preserves soft and hard links and offers flock support when filenames are specified. | | A simple command line editor for Perl Storable files. The interface is similar to a shell. It allows to easily walk through the data structure of the file and to list and change values. |
eve-1.0 | |
psmax | |
mirror-tightwad-0.2 | |
californicus-linux-1.0.0 | californicus-linux is a tool for taking a passwd, group, and shadow file and generating a LDIF for them. |
mwcDHAadd-1.0.4 | mwcDHAadd - adds a DHCP LDAP entry. This is for use with the other mwcDHCP tools and ISC DHCP LDAP patch. |
mwcDHAls-1.0.4 | mwcDHAls - list DHCP LDAP entries. This is for use with the other mwcDHCP tools and ISC DHCP LDAP patch. |
mwcDHArm-1.0.5 | mwcDHArm - removes a DHCP LDAP entry. This is for use with the other mwcDHCP tools and ISC DHCP LDAP patch. |
mwcLDAadd-1.0.4 | mwcLDA is adding DHCP users in a LDAP directory. This is for use with mwcDHCPauth. |
mwcLDAls-1.0.6 | mwcLDA is used for administrating DHCP users in a LDAP directory. This is for use with mwcDHCPauth. |
mwcLDArm-1.0.4 | mwcLDArm is used for removing DHCP users in a LDAP directory. This is for use with mwcDHCPauth. |
passask-1.0.0 | Takes input and does not print any thing. It then prints it out to STDOUT. example csh usage: alias llogin setenv LDAPpassword \`./\` |
qar-bufo-1.3.1 | qar-bufo generates the Qmail assign and recipients file based on unix groups. |
quotadm-0.0.2e | quotadm is a user quota reporting tool. It can be used to get a table of users containing their quota usage, threshold limit, threshold usage etc. quotadm can also be used to send e-mail warning messages to the users' whose quota has reached near or over quota threshold. | | pop3dele is a simple script that connects to a POP3 server and deletes the indicated messages, by message number. It accepts message numbers on the command line, or through STDIN. You have some flexibility in the message-ids that are accepted. The keywords "all" will delete all messages on a POP3 account, but this will only work if this is the only message ID argument provided. Message ID numbers can be given in ranges as well, l... | | pop3list is part of the POP3Utils package, and is used to programatically list the contents of a POP3 account. It accepts a bunch of nifty input that allows you to change it's behavior. It's really quite a cool idea, IMHO. | | pop3retr is a simple script that connects to a POP3 server and retrieves the indicated messages, by message number. It accepts message numbers on the command line, or through STDIN. This functions very simillarly to L<pop3dele>, so refer to that manpage for more details. |
cpiotool-0.65 | backup script that uses cpio |
rmtcopy-0.11 | copies remote tapes using dd and ssh pipe |
search-1.03 | search ldap database for specified attributes. | | Make with Perl as the rule language.� Write a plain makefile in Perl syntax.� Or, write a program that among others does a few file-dependency driven things. |
p-1.2 | ps wrapper �キ sort by pid or other column �キ skip self and ps �キ grep (-v) �キ tree �キ can kill selected processes �キ loop mode (with diff) |
p-1.3 | ps wrapper �キ sort by pid or other column �キ skip self and ps �キ grep (-v) �キ tree �キ can kill or call command �キ loop mode (with diff) |
spar-1.0 | Simple Perl ARchive manager �キ much smaller than tar for small files �キ best for text files �キ helps renaming files along with contents �キ self unpacking �キ embeddable unpacker �キ Emacs mode |
spar-1.1 | Simple Perl ARchive manager �キ much smaller than tar for small files �キ best for text files �キ helps renaming files along with contents �キ self unpacking �キ embeddable unpacker �キ Emacs mode | | Export/Import between DB_File and SDBM_File from Windows and Unix platforms SDBM_Files can be ftp'ed across Unix/Windows platforms and work without a hitch. (pag and dir files). DB_Files can't be ftp'ed across platform. (something to do with edian) I like to use DB_File instead of SDBM_File This util will export a DB_File to SDBM_Files for you to ftp. Then you can import the files (after ftping) by coverting to DB_File at destina... | | Export/Import between DB_File and SDBM_File from Windows and Unix platforms SDBM_Files can be ftp'ed across Unix/Windows platforms and work without a hitch. (pag and dir files). DB_Files can't be ftp'ed across platform. (something to do with edian) I like to use DB_File instead of SDBM_File This util will export a DB_File to SDBM_Files for you to ftp. Then you can import the files (after ftping) by coverting to DB_File at destina... | | Given entries from your httpd access logs, this script will return a list of search terms that users used to find your site. The script doesn't attempt to parse the log entries at all, it just looks for something in the string that resembles a referer URL from a search engine. Obviously, your web server must be configured to log the referer URL in your access logs or this script wont' work. Here are a couple examples of how you... |
ibmonitor-2005.0114-1.3 | ibmonitor is a command line program which will run on a linux console or xterm (rxvt, konsole, gnome-terminal, etc) usage: ibmonitor [--bits] [--bytes] [--max] [--avg] [--interval n] [--data] [--colors | --nocolors] [--dev regex] [--file proc] [--help] [--version] The following command line options (and their explanation) are available: --bits -> Show output values in KBits... | | |
logAnalyzer-1.0.ptk | The following script is designed to read the Native Logfile Format(NLF) and generate outputs in different graphical forms. logAnalyzer-1.0.ptk written in perl/Tk can find its applications in Analyzing huge logfiles generated by servers, building information database to sort the internet usage depending on various requirements, gaining more control over the security of the proxy servers by restricting users as per their requiremen... | | bmonitor is a perl script to monitor LSF jobs. Every minute the script show for each jobs useful informations: CPU : number of processors asked par the users MEM : memory used by the job (MB) SWAP : swap used by the job (MB) CPUTIM : cpu time of the job (hh:mm) JOB : number identification of the job USER : user login STAT : status of the job (PEND, PSUSP, USUSP, SSUSP, RUN) QUEUE : name of t... | | bmonitor is a perl script to monitor LSF jobs. Every minute the script show for each jobs useful informations: CPU : number of processors asked par the users MEM : memory used by the job (MB) SWAP : swap used by the job (MB) CPUTIM : cpu time of the job (hh:mm) JOB : number identification of the job USER : user login STAT : status of the job (PEND, PSUSP, USUSP, SSUSP, RUN) QUEUE : name of t... |
sperl-1.00 | sperl is some kind of enhanced perl that lets you work in a network environment and run scripts and oneliners in remote machines without the need to |
ask | | | Translates crontab notation into English, for sanity checking: For example, "10 8 15 * * foo bar" into: Run: foo bar with input "baz\x0a" At: 8:10am on the 15th of every month | | | | Diff format converted (unified <-> context). This script takes context or unified diff, and produces a diff, that would be created by C<diff> program if it would be run with command-line options passed to this script. C<-c>, C<-u>, C<-b>, C<-w>, C<-t> options are supported. E.g. convert to unified diff with tabs expanded: rediff -ut <old_diff >new_diff | | Diff format converted (unified <-> context). This script takes context or unified diff, and produces a diff, that would be created by C<diff> program if it would be run with command-line options passed to this script. C<-c>, C<-u>, C<-b>, C<-w>, C<-t> options are supported. Non-diff C<-r> option can be used to reverse the diff. E.g. convert to unified diff with tabs expanded: rediff -ut <old_diff >new_diff | | | | Automatically generate an RPM software package from a list of files. builds the RPM in a very clean and configurable fashion. (Making RPMs "the simple way" in a one-line command.) generates and then deletes temporary files (and binary root directory tree) to build an RPM with. It is designed to work cleanly and independently from pre-existing directory trees such as /usr/src/redhat/*. | | | | This script displays any or all of the 'netstat' socket status counts on Windows and Unix platforms, once, or in a continuous loop. | | | | |
permafrost-20021022 | |
dvdsum-1.01 | Creates a file containing MD5 checksums of all files in a directory hierarchy for burning to DVD with the files for later verification. | | wraps a user-defined command and, upon completion, sends a email with statistics, diagnostics (return value, kill signal, duration,...) and output and/or errors. |
logrotate-1.06 | Rotate log files and optionally send a signal (default is HUP) to the specified process ID, then optionally compress the newly rotated log file(s). As many different log files may be specified on the command line as desired. Command line options: | | fbsdbuild - A tool for building FreeBSD from source. |
dircmp-1.1 | Help CVS users manage branches. Report the source code files that are different in two directories. Report the files existing in dir1 but missing from dir2. |