DESCRIPTION This software uses a Personal Sound Architecture (PSA) sound card as either a 1200 baud or 9600 baud (G3RUH compatible) packet radio modem. These cards include the Cardinal Technologies DSP16 (Plus), the Orchid Soundwave 32, Wearness Beethoven and Echo Speech Corp. Personal Sound System. It contains a packet driver, which can be used with KA9Q's NET and the derivatives. There's also a test pattern generator which lets you produce different calibration patterns, adjust the audio levels, display the eye pattern and count bit errors. There's also a PC/FlexNet (for use with the PC version of DK7WJ's digipeater software) driver. The packet driver sources are governed by the GNU GPLicense. The DSP firmware and the test pattern generator is free for use by licensed radio amateurs. See license.txt. Should go to a DSP related directory. AUTHOR Tom Sailer, EMail, Packet HB9JNX@HB9W.CHE.EU